2009 Hong Kong International Culinary Classic (HKICC) Results Summary

HOFEX 2009

2009 Hong Kong International Culinary Classic (HKICC) Results Summary:

Les Toques Blanches (LTB) - Philippines Culinary Team 2009
Gourmet Team Challenge - SILVER
Ariel Manuel - Lolo Dad’s Café, team captain
Fernando Aracama - Embassy-Cuisine, team manager
Marge Villena - Lolo Dad’s Café
Andy Tabotabo - Lolo Dad’s Brasserie
Pastry chef Pauline Lagdameo - International School for Culinary Arts and Hotel Management (ISCAHM)
Chef baker Bubbles Cruz-Lerias - ISCAHM

Individual Competitor:
Carlo Miguel – Sala Restaurant
Western Cuisine Category, Norwegian Herring Class - BRONZE
Western Cuisine Category, Pork Shoulder Butt Class - SILVER

Team support:
David Uy - ISCAHM
Mark Lesaca - Lolo Dad’s Brasserie
Nana Nadal - PR and logistics
Mike Aguas – Buffet Display Stand, Vulcan Resources

Under the supervision of LTB Director, J Gamboa of Cirkulo and Milkyway Restaurants and LTB President Othmar Frei of Werdenberg
International Corporation.

Team Sponsors:
Werdenberg International Corporation
Mida Foods
Alternatives Food Corporation
San Miguel Purefoods Great Food Solutions
Meat and Livestock Australia
Unilever Foodsolutions
Golden Acres Food Service
Happy Living Fine Wines
Sweetlink – Siliconezone
Chef Revival
Philippine Airlines
Kyocera advanced ceramics,