LTB Phils. Chefs Table at Vask Modern Tapas & Gastronomic Cuisine July 31 2014

Dear Chefs and Friends


It is our honor to invite you to a very special LTB Philippines Chefs Association Chefs Table on THURSDAY 31 JULY at Vask. This dinner will be prepared by Chele Gonzalez Chef Patron of Vask together with Chef Julieta Caruso former head chef of Mugaritz San Sebastian. Mugaritz is rated #6 in the San Pellegrino The World's 50 Best Restaurant List. Don't miss this very rare chance to experience over 10 courses plus appetizers and petit fours prepared by these celebrated chefs paired with Bodegas Ramon Bilbao wines. Please reserve right away as seats are limited to only 24.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks and best regards

J. Gamboa


LTB Philippines Chefs Association