LTB Philippines Chefs Association inaugurates Davao Chapter

Dear Chefs and Members

We are happy to announce the establishment of the LTB Philippines Chefs Association Chapter Davao Chapter. LTB Davao is headed by Sally San Jose as president and Anton Abad as vice president. The induction of LTB Phils. Davao Chapter board of directors was done at Chippen's Garden Davao last 24 June 2015 with LTB Phils. Chefs J. Gamboa Fernando Aracama James Antolin Norbert Gandler Penk Ching Mike Yap Brando Santos Jerome Valencia in attendance.

This is the first LTB Philippines Chefs Association Chapter outside of Manila. We are confident that LTB Davao will be able to carry out projects and activities that will improve the level of culinary training in Mindanao and support the Filipino professional chef. We enjoin our members to support our culinary brothers and sisters in LTB Davao and assist them in establishing Davao as the premier food tourism destination in Mindanao!


J. Gamboa


LTB Philippines Chefs Association



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